Citizens Advice chelmsford

About Citizens Advice

We help people
find a way forward

We speak up
for our clients

We can all face problems that seem complicated or intimidating. At Citizens Advice Chelmsford, we believe no one should have to face these problems without good quality, independent advice.

That’s why we’re here: to give people the knowledge and the confidence they need to find their way forward – whoever they are, and whatever their problem.

We give advice to millions of people

We’re part of a network of independent charities that offers confidential advice online, over the phone, and in person, for free.

When we say we’re for everyone, we mean it. People rely on us because we’re independent and totally impartial.

Last year, Citizens Advice Chelmsford helped around 9,000 people both face to face and on the phone.

We also give advice on consumer rights on our consumer helpline, support witnesses in courts through the Witness Service and give pension guidance to people aged over 50.

We speak up for our clients

No one else sees so many people with so many different kinds of problems, and that gives us a unique insight into the challenges people are facing today.

With the right evidence, we can show big organisations – from companies right up to the government – how they can make things better for people.

We see how problems can be linked. By helping people with the underlying cause of their problems and making sure they don’t get worse, we save the government and public services hundreds of millions of pounds every year.

At Citizens Advice Chelmsford we see thousands of people every year, and we have a closer understanding of the problems that people experience than any other organisation.

Through our work, we know which policies are working and spot emerging problems early.

At both a national and local level, our research and campaigns work combines these insights with analysis of wider social and economic trends and set out new ideas to improve policy and delivery for all.

Citizens Advice Chelmsford offers free, confidential, impartial and independent advice and information on a wide range of subjects.